Porch Swing Melodies premiered in NYC on November 3, 2018.
This work tells stories of growing up in West Virginia – of the picnics on the rock in the middle of the river, toes dipped in the cool water as it drifts by; of the fireflies dancing together as they twinkle in the night sky; of the magic of swaying on the porch swing, listening to the sounds you only hear when you’re truly still.
It tells stories of childhood with playful siblings, of a mother growing up on a 200-acre farm, of a great-grandfather immigrating from Italy to work in the coal mines of West Virginia.
The work is a story of home. It is authentic, honest, and familiar.
Catch behind-the-scenes posts on Instagram at @tinkered_dance and following #PorchSwingMelodies
2020 Cast (WV):
Olivia Allen, Valerie Bailey, Andrea Gilreath, Stacey Romano
In August of 2020, we responded to COVID-19 by sharing a sneak peek of this work via livestream on social media.
During this virtual performance, we shared insight into how and why this work was created.
View the sneak peek here.
2018 Cast (NYC):
Valerie Bailey, Loganne Bond, Megan Callaghan, Mary Schindler