Originally based in New York City, Tinkered Dance was created by Valerie Bailey in the fall of 2016. While there, it grew from a small internal idea to creating and performing work alongside beautifully talented artists. Late-night rehearsals, trial-and-error movement, bruised knees, encouragement, and laughter formed the foundation of what Tinkered Dance was becoming: a storytelling vessel with the desire to make art that feels relatable.
Returning to her home state of West Virginia in the summer of 2019, Valerie brought Tinkered Dance with her. Though it has relocated, the intention remains the same. Through our storytelling, we strive to build bridges between seemingly different worlds, as well as to break down barriers some may feel between themselves and a particular community, topic, or art in general. To do so, we often use personal experiences as inspiration for creating genuine work, as we believe this helps individuals to see commonalities between themselves and the art before them.
Porch Swing Melodies, which premiered in New York City in 2018, is an example of such a work. Using stories of immigration, childhood play, and life on a 200-acre farm, Valerie created a dance that authentically tells of her family’s history – a history that may resonate with many West Virginians.