The You I Know – My New York
Hello, New York, my sweet friend.
Today marks 6.5 years together. How quickly it has gone. Sometimes it feels like I’ve only been with you for a few months. But most times it feels like we’ve been lifelong friends: laughing into the night, holding each other’s secrets, seeing each other’s best and worst, yet knowing that at the end of the day we will still understand the other – at least in our own way.
You see, New York, I know the relationship you develop with each person is unique to them. Each one has different stories and different experiences, different highs and different lows. We make you what you are to us. And in return, you grow us and challenge us and give us the true you. And over the past 6.5 years, I’ve grown to adore the you I know – my New York.
So, as always, my friend, I’ll reflect on the past six months we’ve shared, highlighting the moments that have become ingrained as memories within us. And one day when I look back fondly on our time, I’ll have these letters to you to sweetly cherish.
What have you and I shared since September? Well, there was the scavenger hunt in your glorious Central Park, finding nooks and crannies we had never before seen. And then there was (unknowingly) showing up to a snazzy gala – complete with a red carpet – in regular work clothes (and, of course, some sassy red lipstick). That was a funny one, sweet friend. There were countless shows with exquisite performers that we’d been craving to see – Broadway and dance and everything in between. Oh! There was that performance by a jazz vibraphonist – it was our first time seeing that. Wow, New York – that’s something I’m so glad you shared with me. There was that Friday night driving a u-haul to pick up a mattress – and then unloading said mattress up and down, up and down a gazootle (yes – gazootle) of stairs. There were those countless nights spent in the studio laughing and dancing with the loveliest of friends during months of rehearsals – those are some of the most precious moments. There was performing my dear friend’s work in Dumbo, dancing alongside women and movers I highly admire. There were brunches and spaghetti dinners and game nights. And there was ice skating in your park, looking out at the twinkling lights you provided to set the perfect backdrop.
But you know what else happened, friend? You know what sticks out to me this time? Premiering my new work – Porch Swing Melodies – for a room filled with family and friends, mentors and colleagues – and even a sprinkle of strangers I was thrilled to have join. I have to say this was one of the most magical nights we’ve had together, New York. I shared my West Virginia heart with my city community while overlooking your sweet skyline at sunset. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? It almost feels like one. We shared dance and readings and conversation and food. We shared stories, and we shared space. My heart literally felt like it could burst from the beauty of that evening. I am so glad I got to share that night with you – it is truly one of my life’s unforgettable moments.
Each time I write you a letter, I am surprised at how much time we’ve shared – how much we’ve done together. And sometimes I still walk your streets, clearing my mind and thinking of your quirks and charm. I let the arms of this city envelop me, amazed by this exhausting and exhilarating place. And I am truly grateful for our moments – for these memories we make.
Love always,
Tiny Dancer
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