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A Look Back in Time

Arts Family Inspiration New York

I had a great childhood.  I was a little blonde pipsqueak who was stubborn and goofy – a Daddy’s girl with my mom’s determination.  I guess some things never change, right?  I was never super “girly”.  I have two [...]

Seeing Someone Differently

Arts Inspiration New York

I believe everyone has a passion in life. Whether or not they discover it – or pursue it – is a different story.  What an amazing creation it is when a person finds what truly makes them come alive.  Even more, how lucky we [...]

Auditions Upon Auditions

Arts Inspiration New York

One hundred twenty-four dancers stand along the sides of three of the walls in the studio.  Chairs are placed front and center on the fourth wall that house the eyes intensely watching as six of the dancers perform the choreography they learned [...]

Dancing is a Morphing Passion

Arts Inspiration

Dancers can’t perform forever. All of us know this.  Due to the intensity and athleticism of the art, as well as the inevitable fact that we must grow old, our bodies break down and become weaker or an injury ensues, thus marking the end [...]

Art, Art Everywhere

Arts Inspiration New York

One of the many things I love about living in a big city is the fact that the arts surround me all the time.  A billboard with a dancer on it in Times Square, countless Broadway shows put on every day, photographers taking a snapshot in time to [...]